Sunday, July 28, 2024

2024 Motor City Nightmares Review

This past Saturday my fiancé and I took to the Motor City Nightmares Festival.  For any that doesn't know, Motor City Nightmares is an annual horror themed convention -- much like a comic con, just a different genre of nerdery.  To tell the truth, I like it better than a regular comic-con.  Frankly, I'm into that shit.  I love horror movies.  To be more specific, I love bad horror movies with an oozing soft spot for the horror flicks that came out in the '80s.  It's one of my things.  Seems like I have a lot of "things", but it's definitely a high ranking thing.  

This year, like the last MCN I went to, I was armed with 3 custom cards for two signers.  Those being Felissa Rose and Arye Gross.  If you've read any of my other convention write-ups I've done you'll know I make a big deal out of how fucking awkward I am.  This post will not stray from that tone.

We walked around a bit looking at all the horror vendors.  My fiancé just thought I was wanting to peep all the cool horror shit.  She was only half right.  Little did she know my weird ass was literally mentally preparing myself to meet the two signers.  Most people get exciting about that, not me.  My anxiety goes through the roof.  I just want to get my autograph and go so as not to show a semi-famous person how inept I am at small talk.  

We found Felissa Rose's table first, but she wasn't there.  So, we went in search of Arye Gross' table.  Took a sec. to find because he wasn't in the main area, more out in the hallway area.  When we did spot him he was just getting up to go somewhere.  Bathroom?  Grab a bite to eat?  I don't know.  All I know is he was walking away from his table.  That gave us an opportunity to ogle more cool stuff at the vendor's tables and for me to re-encourage myself that I can get in-person autographs without being a goofy.  

Before long we saw Felissa making her way back to her table.  She was kind of hard to miss.  She was in a bright red gown and was tanner than any one of us Michiganders in attendance.  So we preceded to get into her line.  I'd say there was like 2-3 people ahead of us.  As we neared her table I noticed her signing fee included a picture with her.  Exactly what I wasn't hoping for.  You see, when you take a picture that's more interaction and more opportunity for me to be a goober.  When it was our turn I got a hug before I even said a word, so did my fiancé.  To Felissa's credit, she is super peopley and seemed to genuinely appreciate us being fans.  I laid my card on the table (so to speak) and she seemed to get a kick out of it.  She appreciated that my autograph horror card design has a designated autograph area.  My fiancé Jeni volunteered the fact that I made the card.  This is something I wasn't going to do myself because I'm not a spotlight type of guy and I already felt eyes upon us since she was making a big deal out of us for simply attending the show and getting her signature.  With that being said she did seem to dig the card and even threw in a free auto'd 8x10 for being fans I guess?  VERY gracious of her I thought.  Then it came time for the picture.  I said something like "yay" or "great", I don't recall which.  In my mind I was trying to seem enthusiastic, but I knew when it came out it sounded hella sarcastic as evidence by her handler person saying we didn't have to if e didn't want to.  I felt REALLY embarrassed.  I did say "no, I want to" and didn't belabor the point to not mind me, I'm probably on the spectrum, I just moved in for the pic, motioning Jeni over for emotional support.  I was sure to be a gentleman and do the ol' "hover hand" thing.  She was actually one of the nicest celebs I've met at any of these cons and I hope I didn't offend her or weird her out.  

I really like the was the auto came out.  I don't usually do black, but I think it worked on this one.  Plus, the inscription is cool with one of "Angela's" few lines in Sleepaway Camp.

We then went to check on Arye, still wasn't there.  We got a couple of hot dogs and walked around a bit more.  Eventually Arye was back at his table.  We waited there a few minutes behind these two guys who were just chatting him up.  I think once Arye's handler realized that we were paying customers and they weren't he sort of moved them along.  Something like: Soul Man, crazy right?  You guys getting an autograph, orrr?  This signing was more banal.  No hugs.  No chit-chat really.  I really wanted to get he House II card signed as it makes the fourth card from that movie in my horror design that I've gotten signed.  When I was young I lovvved that movie.  I thought it was pretty cool that Arye's character was named "Jesse" on top of it being an entertaining movie.  That movie is the genesis for my love of the horror/comedy subgenre.  

The Just One Of The Guys card is not officially part of the set I made.  I guess it's a bonus card?  It's another movie I love-love and I've always been proud of that set in particular.  If I'm correct, it's the 3rd card from that movie I've been able to have autographed. 

Overall we had a really fun time at MCN.  I think though they may want to look into a bigger venue maybe.  They use a banquet room in the Novi (about 35 minutes NW of Detroit) Sheraton.  With all the vendors, signers and convention goers it can be a little cramped.  Also, I'd either go on Friday or Sunday next time.  They charge a bit of a premium for Saturday.  I figure I can be just as awkward and pay less next year.  

We also picked up some horror goodies but I'm inclined to keep the post about the cards and over-stating how socially inept I am.  

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