Thursday, June 13, 2024

2024 Motor City Comic-Con

A little delayed on this one, but here's my Motor City Comic-Con wrap up.  It's been a number of years since I've gone the the MCCC.  I go mainly to get my cards signed and in the past few years there just really haven't been any "must haves" for my collection.  

This year featured a couple of celeb guests that I wanted to add signed cards from for two of the sets I've made that I really like.  Those being my Freaks and Geeks set and my License to Drive set, the signers being Tom Wilson and Heather Graham respectively.  

I got Heather's autograph first.  Like I've said in past about cons and in-person signings, I'm terribly introverted and don't really look to yuk it up with the celebs.  They're there to sell their signature and I'm there to buy it.  I hardly even consider the micro interactions as "meeting" these celebrities.  Some are really outgoing and I've gotten something out of the interaction whether I intended on it or not.  But, if they're not chatty I don't mind nor do I feel they're rude.  Maybe they're not big on small talk like myself?  Anyways, I guess the point is I don't have any great stories from the signings.  Heather Graham merely said my card was "cute".  With her card, if I had to do over again I would have either asked for a different color, or brought a different card.  I thought since the card I brought was a tad on the darker side that a silver Sharpie would have really popped, but it did not.  You've got to hold it at the right angle to see it, really.  She asked if I wanted her to put "Mercedes" on the card and I agreed because that's a cool touch.

Then I got Tom Wilson's auto.  Freaks and Geeks is a GREAT show.  That show and The White Shadow are my all-time favorite tv shows.  Any time there's a chance to get autos from either of those shows on cards I've made I'm all over it.  Everyone in line who wasn't me was there to get some Back to the Future related signed.  I'm about to say something a bit sacrilegious here for an 80's kid ... but ... when it comes to BTTF, I could take it or leave it *gasp*.  Just not big on it.  Sorry.  I noticed when I got closer that all but maybe three of the photos Tom was offering at his table were from the BTTF trilogy.  Two were April Fool's Day (would've been my second choice after F&G) and another from something I didn't recognize.  No Freaks and Geeks though.  I did ask Tom when I got to the table how often he signed F&G stuff.  He said every once in awhile, and it was usually the DVD yearbook.  I like the way his card turned out although I wish it would've brought a green Sharpie.  I just assumed he'd have one but he did not.  Oh well.

Overall it was a fun little Sunday.  The best part wasn't getting my cards signed, it was going with my ten year old son.  He's got some nerdy interests like his dad so he had a good time telling me fun facts about the different things that were there that interested him (he's really into anime) and I in turn waxed poetic about good ol' 80's pop culture and the "back in my day" type of stuff.